Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Module overview

    • What is mental health?

    • What is stigma?

    • What is mental illness / disorder?

    • How mental health and mental illness differ

    • Most common mental health issues

    • Anxiety

    • Symptoms of anxiety

    • Anxiety disorders

    • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

    • Phobias

  2. 2
    • Module overview

    • Stress, anxiety and depression

    • Good stress vs bad stress

    • Anxiety and stress

    • Depression and stress

    • Depression and work

    • Work-related depression

    • Burnout

    • Workplace bullying

    • Bullying vs harassment

    • Bullying – duty of managers / employers

    • Dealing with bullying

    • Ensuring you’re not a bully

    • Be the leader that helps others grow their strengths

    • Absenteeism and Presenteeism

    • Practical engagement strategies

  3. 3
    • Module overview

    • The role of line managers

    • Understanding the law: Equality Act 2010

    • Understanding the law: Health & Safety

    • HSE: 6 management strategies

    • Having sensitive or difficult conversations

    • Before the conversation takes place

    • At the start of the conversation

    • During the conversation

    • At the end of the conversation

    • After the conversation

    • “Reasonable adjustments”

    • Examples of adjustments to the work schedule

    • Examples of adjustments to role and responsibilities

    • Examples of adjustments to working environment

    • Examples of policy changes

    • Ways to provide additional support and assistance

    • Managing returning to work (RTW)

    • Factors to consider in planning the RTW

    • When reasonable adjustments don’t work

    • The role of Mental Health First Aiders

    • Communicating support effectively

  4. 4
    • Mental Health Training for Managers - Assessment

  5. 5
    • Feedback

    • Feedback Questionnaire

    • Thank you